Business Unusual: EBRD 2023 Transition Report
The annual roundtable discussion expanding the scope and insight on the EBRD 2023 Transition Report. This event will take place in-person and will also be livestreamed online.
Maintaining long-standing cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), CNET is proud to host this year’s round-table discussion expanding the scope and insight of the recently launched EBRD Transition report 2022-23. A global pandemic, supply-chain disruption, extreme weather, war in Europe, forced migration on a massive scale, rocketing gas prices, high inflation, debt burdens, reshoring, friend-shoring and a host of disturbing factors. It is clear that there will be no going back to the pre-pandemic “business as usual”. This year’s report examines the tectonic changes that the EBRD regions face and presents a wealth of analysis to inform public policy and business decision-making.
The aim of the event is to provide a commentary on the issues covered in the report, continue the discussion it generated and focus on a series of relevant topics. The panel consists of renowned experts in each field.
Structure: 10-15 min presentations from each speaker followed by a discussion and Q&A where the audience can contribute. The event will be live-streamed on Zoom and registration can be found below. The topics and speakers are:
Dr Zsoka Koczan - The economics of war and peace, general comments
Prof. Fabricio Coricelli - Global supply chains in turbulence
Dr Randolph Bruno - Corporate debt and business dynamism
Dr Elodie Douarin - War, conflict and migration
Open to all.
In-person & online.
Masaryk room
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies
16 Taviton street